Nail Bracing
Nail Bracing
At Reed Footcare we understand the pain and discomfort caused by ingrown toenails. We work with our patients who have repetitive ingrown toenails to help eliminate the cause of the recurrence by bracing the nail. Nail Bracing is a gentle, non-surgical treatment option for ingrown toenails. This is a completely painless procedure, which may require some follow up visits.
Nail bracing aims to correct the shape of the deformed nail plate, reducing the pain from the pressure on the nail bed and decreasing the formation of any hard skin (callus) that often forms in the nail groove (sulcus) due to the pressure from the nail.
We use the Onyfix nail bracing system. Onyfix is a completely pain free way to treat an ingrown toenail. It involves a composite material applied across the nail, which acts as a “nail brace” to correct the nail’s growth. It is a non-invasive method that supports natural regrowth and reformation of the nail.
The nail brace acts to elevate the nail plate and unload the pressure on the underlying skin and along the nail groove. This allows the underlying skin to regain its strength and accept the pressure of the nail once more. It also elevates the nail on the toe and in some cases, it can totally reduce the involution or inward curving of the toenail.
Nail bracing can be a highly effective alternative for nail surgery, alleviating discomfort quickly and painlessly. As no local anaesthetic is used and no surgery performed, nail bracing is suitable for young children or those preferring not to have surgery. Nail bracing offers a solution for ingrown nails for people with medical conditions that may limit their surgery options, such as those with diabetes.
Although not suitable for all patients, we have had an excellent success rate with patients who consistently have a recurring ingrown toenail but do not want to have the nail fully removed. A careful aftercare plan is formulated with each patient to ensure maximum success of the treatment.
Generally, treatments can take between 3 to 12 months. Follow-up consultations will be required every 10 weeks to check the effectiveness of the brace. Each brace does have a limited life span requiring replacement as clinically indicated.